Thursday, June 19, 2008


I hope the makers of Love Story 2050 never stumble upon this article. I was in Mumbai last week and some friends and I were scoffing at the trailer of the movie, saying, "Just what are/were the makers thinking?" Don't tell me they've made a movie that's ahead of its times and all that jazz?


B said...

wat else can one expect from harry baweja?. the best thing abt the man is that he is a very simple movie maker. roll dvd, start the dvd player and action! (copy everything including sub titles). he is ready with his film. i love michael bay's 'The Rock' and will never forgive him for his 'qayamat'shit. he shud hav concentrated on mad max ( since he is using mumbai as the backdrop) rather than 5th element and other scifi movies. may b that dvd was out of stock.

Raj Menon said...
